As part of a site plan or subdivision review, various agencies (Conservation, Niagara Escarpment, Ministries (Transportation, Environment, etc) , Utility companies) might express opinions about the proposed development. A municipality will collect all the comments before making a decision.
An agency may also outline any conditions that must be cleared during the approval process. These conditions are referred to as draft plan conditions. The draft plan approval procedure can therefore take up to one year or more but, commenting agencies are usually requested to make their concerns known within a few months of receiving a proposal for review. This, however, can be extended over a longer period and is often due to the complexity of certain issues. Such issues as the location of roads or services for example can take considerable time to resolve. It is the responsibility of the municipal planner to follow up with the agencies to ensure that their comments are submitted as soon as possible and to negotiate in the clients best interest keeping in mind the principles of “good planning”. The approval authority evaluates the merits of the proposal against criteria such as: conformity with the official plan, suitability of the land for the proposed purpose, compatibility with neighbouring uses, adequacy of municipal services (roads, water, sewer), etc.
Commenting Agencies - Internal/ External
January 2023